Application Form | JY Endurance

60-Minute Strategy Session

**Please fill out the form as detailed as possible**

By filling out this form you will help me better understand YOUR exact needs and wants when it comes to your health & fitness goals.

I help people BALANCE their body and life through efficient training and nutrition in a way that is sustainable long-term. This is an opportunity to apply for a strategy session where we go in-depth into your unique situation and discover what is necessary to take your health and fitness to an unprecedented level.

Your time is valuable, as is mine, and I only speak with those that are TRULY committed and willing to make a lasting change for themselves.

If that’s the reason why you are here and you consider yourself as highly motivated & coachable, then I strongly advise you to apply below for a coaching call with me.

– If approved I will contact you to schedule a call –

Application Form:

8 + 3 =

* I am not a registered physician or dietitian and by partaking in coaching with me you agree that you understand this fully and will not take my advice as medical advice.